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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Threatening Unsubscribe Rate? Not anymore!!!

If you think losing one customer from your list is a great loss to you, go ahead and read this article.

You can make your unsubscribe button untouchable to your customers. Various reasons why customers tend to unsubscribe:

No pouring Emails Þ
You cannot get going without checking your email frequency. Showering your customer with countless mails is testing their patience. Even a genuine and interested customer would click the unsubscribe button to just stop the overflow of your mails. Give them an option to choose the frequency of the mails. You can update them with your current activities but not too often.
Know your customers Þ
Customer retention is not as easy as customer acquisition. Treat every single customer as your only one. Don’t dump them into the trash once they have purchased your products or services. Be generous to show gratitude and take every opportunity possible to say “Thank You.” Dig through their profiles in social media and know more about. Know their needs, preferences and businesses. Educate them through your Emails. Send newsletters, etc. related to their business. Be the best at customer service.
Brand value Þ
It is all about adding value to your brand. With a strong brand selling becomes easy. Show the customers that you are unique. Tell them how you differ from your competitors (do not mention their names). Always do a performance analysis to gauge your brand in the market. The analysis statistics can be used to build up customers’ confidence.
Properly implemented guidelines definitely kicks off your unsubscribe rates to ground zero. 
For more tips, write to us @ techuserslist@gmail.com

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