What's new at Tech Users Lists?

Friday, October 7, 2011

This Oracle Users List Can Give Your Company Impetus For Growth

Tech Users Lists are the Oracle Users List provider of choice and no other list provider has added as much value to the organizations that have made use of our Oracle Users Lists. We maintain accurate and up-to-date mailing lists of companies that use Oracle in the US, UK, Europe and Canada. Please note that only opt-in emails are available with us. This list contains the top 1000 largest users of Oracle Software.

The contact name supplied with this list is Oracle Director IT, Oracle Senior IT Executive. Because the cost involved in procuring this list is high, the database contains contains only the large organizations.

Some of the strategies are:
Ø  Our lists are undated every 3 months
Ø  We offer lists as a whole and not in parts
Ø  The recommended users are computer and software firms, conferences and seminar organizations, Oracle IT  consultants and Oracle specialists

Output format:
      Data is dispatched on floppy disk, CD-ROM or via email: where we send you our list by email. This is done the same day the order is placed otherwise please allow 1-2 days from the receipt of the order.
Disks/CD_ROMS are sent by first class recorded email

Terms and conditions
All data is supplied for multiple use but must not be resold to a third party.

You can write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com
Fill up your details and avail the most proven and accurate Oracle Users Email Lists

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