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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Technology Marketing Data Drives Performance

Our accurate Technology B2B Marketing Data helps you efficiently build core lead generation and marketing.

Use our permission data to:

Ø  Create targeted database for your campaigns
Ø  Increase traffic to your website or landing page
Ø  Generate more leads for your business

Get access to complete contact information of more than 1,561,350 technology decision makers and 124,863 software professionals. Get verified mailing address of professional working in publishing, IT Consulting/Services, Manufacturing, Finance and more.

Use our business intelligent data to attract new customers to your business. Avoid the spray and pray tactic of generating business leads. They don’t work anymore.

Reply us with your query or sign up to talk to our agent for the latest counts. Our agent will call you if you leave your call-back number. 

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