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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Turn Prospects into Customers

Aiming at new customers is like shooting in the dark whereas targeting prospects like shooting fish in the barrel. So if you want to acquire efficient customers, aim at targeting the already obtained prospects. Now all you need to do is to nurture them to turn them into customers.

Think about having 45 million prospectable customers. But where are you going to get these customers from? Tech Users Lists. We offer 45 million prospects that you can target to make easy and fast conversions. All you need to do is to show the correct bait to catch the worthy fish. So craft new offers following the new trends. The offers should compel the prospects and also be relevant to their business behavior only then they wouldn’t be digressed from what you offer.

What are niche aspects that you can use to target?

Ø  Purchase behavior
Ø  Preferences
Ø  Hobbies and interests
Ø  Buying cycles

Remember that all these are very volatile and you need to keep your database up-to-date about these aspects. Ask us for refined segments and frame your message accordingly I am sure you’ll hit the bull’s eye.

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