What's new at Tech Users Lists?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Technology Marketing Data Drives Performance

Our accurate Technology B2B Marketing Data helps you efficiently build core lead generation and marketing.

Use our permission data to:

Ø  Create targeted database for your campaigns
Ø  Increase traffic to your website or landing page
Ø  Generate more leads for your business

Get access to complete contact information of more than 1,561,350 technology decision makers and 124,863 software professionals. Get verified mailing address of professional working in publishing, IT Consulting/Services, Manufacturing, Finance and more.

Use our business intelligent data to attract new customers to your business. Avoid the spray and pray tactic of generating business leads. They don’t work anymore.

Reply us with your query or sign up to talk to our agent for the latest counts. Our agent will call you if you leave your call-back number. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Execute High-Value Marketing Campaigns with Custom Built List

Custom Built Database
Custom Built Database is the list which is on high demand. Most enterprises tend to opt for list that is custom built, due to its advantage of niche target audience over the generic pre-packaged lists.

In a custom built list, the client wants to get an accurate database with minimum 95 percent opt-in and up-to-date. But what they really get is a database with obsolete data collected from multiple sources and dumped in one data file. And once the client launches a campaign, they either don’t get results or get meager results.

Tech Users Lists is completely against this policy. Data Analysts at Tech Users Lists coordinate with clients timely and to achieve 100percent opt-in contacts that best suit your business requirements. Added to this, our contacts are updated regularly on a monthly basis, so we guarantee a crisp 95% deliverability.

You can get in touch with us and our data consultant will help you refine your search. Just sign up with us and you’ll get a call within the next two business days. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Turn Prospects into Customers

Aiming at new customers is like shooting in the dark whereas targeting prospects like shooting fish in the barrel. So if you want to acquire efficient customers, aim at targeting the already obtained prospects. Now all you need to do is to nurture them to turn them into customers.

Think about having 45 million prospectable customers. But where are you going to get these customers from? Tech Users Lists. We offer 45 million prospects that you can target to make easy and fast conversions. All you need to do is to show the correct bait to catch the worthy fish. So craft new offers following the new trends. The offers should compel the prospects and also be relevant to their business behavior only then they wouldn’t be digressed from what you offer.

What are niche aspects that you can use to target?

Ø  Purchase behavior
Ø  Preferences
Ø  Hobbies and interests
Ø  Buying cycles

Remember that all these are very volatile and you need to keep your database up-to-date about these aspects. Ask us for refined segments and frame your message accordingly I am sure you’ll hit the bull’s eye.


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