What's new at Tech Users Lists?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Concerned about High Email Bounce Rate?

Do you know that 25% of your emails do not make it to the inbox?

Reason: Incorrect email addresses

And this leads to a high bounce rate. But the question here is how to overcome it? Haven’t heard of email verification?

Yes your best option would be email verification service. Tech Users Lists now offers a email verification service, where our data specialists, verify all the email addresses in your database both automatically and manually. By doing so, they are checking the validity of the email address. If an email address is identified as invalid, it is removed from the database.

But won’t the database shrink?
Yes it would. Your database is no good with those email addresses either. However, we have a solution which would help you reach out to all the prospects/customers in your database. Through our pragmatic Email Appending service, we append email addresses to all the records which either does not have an email address or which has an incorrect email address. By doing so, you are maintaining your database count the same but enhancing to a great range.

Why choose our Data Enhancement service:
Ø  Lowest Price for Updating email file
Ø  High Match Rates between 35% to 65%
Ø  Blazing Turnaround - 7 business days

When you buy our Data Enhancement as a package, you get a whopping 9.99% off on the service. The data enhancement package includes both email verification and email appending all at one go. Sign up with us right away to know more…

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Best Selling Technology Lists of 2012 till Date

Want to know what are the best-selling Technology Lists till date? Here they are…

This year, Tech Users Lists had over 95 clients and out of which 80 clients came to us for one of these technology lists. These lists gave us astounding profits. We also noticed that the clients who bought lists from us had better ROI from this campaign, compared to their previous campaigns.

So, if you are targeting the technology industry, then here you go, here are your best catch. go ahead and get it…

Happy Marketing!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Exciting News – Tech Users Lists Introduces List Management Services

Tech Users Lists is recently venturing into List Management Services. With the pour of customers approaching for list management services, we’ve decided to help them out. It’s not even a month since we started offering these services and we already have dozen clients.

We offer niche and customized list management services at most affordable prices. And this makes us get more and more clients. Services we offer are:

Ø  List Cleansing
Ø  List Scrubbing
Ø  List Validating
Ø  List Segmentation
Ø  List Enhancement
Ø  List Verification
Ø  And Overall List Management
Ø  Data Appending Service
Ø  And many more…

Wanna beat your competitors? It is high time you charge up and ask us for a list service.
Here you go, sign up this form for an immediate solution to your list issues. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Technology Marketing Data Drives Performance

Our accurate Technology B2B Marketing Data helps you efficiently build core lead generation and marketing.

Use our permission data to:

Ø  Create targeted database for your campaigns
Ø  Increase traffic to your website or landing page
Ø  Generate more leads for your business

Get access to complete contact information of more than 1,561,350 technology decision makers and 124,863 software professionals. Get verified mailing address of professional working in publishing, IT Consulting/Services, Manufacturing, Finance and more.

Use our business intelligent data to attract new customers to your business. Avoid the spray and pray tactic of generating business leads. They don’t work anymore.

Reply us with your query or sign up to talk to our agent for the latest counts. Our agent will call you if you leave your call-back number. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Execute High-Value Marketing Campaigns with Custom Built List

Custom Built Database
Custom Built Database is the list which is on high demand. Most enterprises tend to opt for list that is custom built, due to its advantage of niche target audience over the generic pre-packaged lists.

In a custom built list, the client wants to get an accurate database with minimum 95 percent opt-in and up-to-date. But what they really get is a database with obsolete data collected from multiple sources and dumped in one data file. And once the client launches a campaign, they either don’t get results or get meager results.

Tech Users Lists is completely against this policy. Data Analysts at Tech Users Lists coordinate with clients timely and to achieve 100percent opt-in contacts that best suit your business requirements. Added to this, our contacts are updated regularly on a monthly basis, so we guarantee a crisp 95% deliverability.

You can get in touch with us and our data consultant will help you refine your search. Just sign up with us and you’ll get a call within the next two business days. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Turn Prospects into Customers

Aiming at new customers is like shooting in the dark whereas targeting prospects like shooting fish in the barrel. So if you want to acquire efficient customers, aim at targeting the already obtained prospects. Now all you need to do is to nurture them to turn them into customers.

Think about having 45 million prospectable customers. But where are you going to get these customers from? Tech Users Lists. We offer 45 million prospects that you can target to make easy and fast conversions. All you need to do is to show the correct bait to catch the worthy fish. So craft new offers following the new trends. The offers should compel the prospects and also be relevant to their business behavior only then they wouldn’t be digressed from what you offer.

What are niche aspects that you can use to target?

Ø  Purchase behavior
Ø  Preferences
Ø  Hobbies and interests
Ø  Buying cycles

Remember that all these are very volatile and you need to keep your database up-to-date about these aspects. Ask us for refined segments and frame your message accordingly I am sure you’ll hit the bull’s eye.

Monday, June 11, 2012

2012 Bestselling Technology Marketing Data

We are almost half way through 2012. It is high time we show you our bestselling technology marketing data. Most savvy marketers made it to the prospects. If you want to be one of them, it is time you cut the long haul and intensify your database with these technology prospects lists. Here is a list of the Bestselling Technology Marketing Data of 2012, which 13 vendors bought from us in the last six months.

Our customers were very happy to give us their testimonials of how they used our technology mailing lists. So here’s an opportunity for you to tap nascent markets of Technology Industry. Click here to fill up our form and acquire our Technology Marketing Data.

With these lists, you can get acquaintance with C-level executives. You can directly get in touch with them through personalized emails or calls. With these lists, you can launch qualified B2B marketing campaigns.

Contact us for the latest prices and counts of Technology Data for your marketing. You can always write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com for any further info.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

SAP Sales Leads at your Doorstep

Tech Users Lists brings to the table qualified SAP Leads, best suitable for your B2B Marketing. Our SAP Sales Leads List is regularly weeded to make sure that you get greater results than what you are getting right now. We provide customized SAP Leads lists for which we zero down our silos to get the best suited leads for your business. Our data experts strive and hand pick the leads that can give your business a greater and better ROI.

B2B SAP Leads we offer are archived regularly with propriety tools to update the database regularly. Our SAP Leads records comprise of all the fields required for any type of marketing. You can use this list to promote application, consultancy services, SAP applications, third party tools, etc.

SAP Technology Sales Leads includes all the top influence, CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, and all the others at executive level. This data will power your marketing communication to drive revenue with minimal investments.

Want to try our Sample Leads before you buy? We offer 25 sample leads based on your business requirements from our SAP database. You can test these leads by launching a sample campaign. Sign up now and avail the sample records. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Software Engineers List – The Wanted

Software Engineers are like the heart of the entire world right now. With the technological impact on the world growing day to day, software engineers’ population is growing exponentially. These people have become so important that everyone wants to have their mailing lists to get in touch with them. Be it a Marketer aiming at B2B marketing or B2C marketing, marketers want to get in touch with the systems engineers that work their heart out to make the bizarre code working.

Why do you think you would need this list?

You have a new software product/tool/solution/service, whom do you think you are going to target? Software Engineers. As software engineers are paid so high that they have the caliber to buy your products. Being the first best job in the world, software engineers are the ones who get stressed out fast. So you can sell them useful products that can help them reduce stress levels. You can target them for many factors.

How do we acquire the records for the lists?

We procure data from various legitimate sources like trade shows, conferences, job trade shows, online directories, magazine and journal subscriptions, opt-in emails, etc.

When it comes to targeting software wizards, opting email marketing would be better. Because, almost all the software engineers are computer addicts and are glued to their computers or smart phones or tabs 24/7. So you send an email to them at the perfect time (not missing that the information should be relevant), the probability is that they would response time would very low and you can expect great results.

Grab these lists right now from us. You can either email us at techuserslist@gmail.com or sign up this form.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Captivate IT Professionals Lists

IT Professional List if updated and validated regularly to ensure highest quality. All the records in the mailing list are collected from genuine and reliable sources including technological trade shows, conferences, opt-in emails, subscriptions, magazines, yellow pages, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Though we procure data from various sources, we include the records in the database only after the data is completely verified by our in-house team. Mailing Lists of IT Professionals are verified through email verification and also televerification, making it useful for any type of marketing.

IT Professional Mailing Lists and Email Lists are highly accurate as we verify the data once in every month, not letting the data to decay. We have specially formulated data management teams just to maintain the data hygiene to ensure our customers 100% satisfaction with our Lists. The data teams cleanses, verifies, updates and also appends data, so that our customers use it to the fullest and benefit the most from it.

IT Professionals Lists are segmented based on many targeting aspects like:

Ø  Geography: Country, state, city, province, ZIP code, language, etc.
Ø  Firmography: Number of employees in a company, industry type, income bracket, etc.
Ø  Demography: Location, competition, affluence, etc.
Ø  Need: Purchase decisions and what factors influence the purchase decision.

Sign up here for a ‘Sample’ or you can always write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com

Sunday, April 22, 2012

CRM Users Email Lists – Best Suit for Your Email Marketing

CRM Users Email Lists is perfect for you if you are targeting technology industry through email marketing. CRM Users Lists help you expand your reach and target niche customers and get targeted results. It was proven that people who target email marketing are profiting more when compared to obsolete ways of marketing like direct mailing, tele marketing, etc. Top marketers have already shifted their focus to email marketing. If you are not one amongst them, it’s high time you make a move.

Get started with our Email Lists of CRM Technology. We assure a guaranteed 98% deliverability rate. We believe that our success lies in the success of our clients and hence we see to it that our clients benefit most from our lists. To make this happen, we keep our lists up-to-data. Our data specialists verify all the records in our vast database, once in every thirty days, knowing that email 2 out of 7 emails become obsolete every thirty days.

Tech Users Lists assures you highly accurate and reliable and fresh data with which you can just get started with your email campaigns. All you need a great plan for your campaign and compelling content and you rest assured about the results of your marketing.

Special Lists Available:

You can avail our special lists. Our special lists are our email lists segmented based on many aspects like geography, demography, etc. You name it, we have it. All you need to do is just ask for it. You give us your specifications about the lists and we’ll make it a perfect suit for your business.

Give us a chance and we’ll never let you down. Sign up here with your information or write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com and avail our lists. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

NetApp Users Lists – Make a Difference in your Marketing

NetApp Users Lists can bring a great difference to Marketing, be it Direct Mail, Email or Tele Marketing. You can get more qualified leads and increase your ROI in a great way. You can get quality leads by sending promotional mails to your customized technology lists. You can reach potential prospects with targeted lists. Our NetApp Users Lists are highly responsive which proved of great help to our clientele.

NetApp Users List is acquired from legitimate sources like the opt-in mails, technological magazine and journal subscriptions, double opt-in emails, trade shows, conferences, seminars, government directories. We have unique ways of collecting data and all the data collected is added to our database only after seeking permission from the recipients.

NetApp Users Database includes records of CEO, CFO, C-level executives, Fortune 500 Executives, Directors, CTO, CMO, Project Managers, Sales and Marketing Executives, and many other titles which you many other companies don’t offer.

You can get the perfect list that fits in perfectly for your needs with the help of our consultant. Write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com or sign up and we’ll get back to you. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Citrix Users Lists to Trigger your ROI

Citrix Users Lists helps you to get in touch directly with key Decision Makers, Executives, CEOs and enhance your ROI. The Citrix Users Database is acquired from various legitimate sources like opt-in emails, subscription forms, journal or magazine subscriptions, etc. All the emails procured for the Citrix Users Email Lists are double opted-in. Our clients never had complains regarding our lists as none of the users have marked them as spam (we are not responsible content issues).

Citrix Technology Users Lists has all the mandatory fields like Name, Job Title, Annual Turnover, Mailing Address, Email Address, Industry type, SIC Code, Fax, Website Address, etc. We also include the social media profiles on the request of the clients. Citrix Users List can be used for all types of marketing like Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Fax Marketing and Tele Marketing.

About Citrix

Citrix through its technologies helps people, organizations and businesses in making the work place better. It helps businesses to embrace consumerization using virtualization, networking, collaboration and cloud technologies.

Grab the freshly updated List of Citrix Users. Give us your details and our data specialist will call you. All you need to do is to fill up this form or write to us at techuserslist@gamil.com

Friday, April 6, 2012

Buy IBM Maximo Users Lists and Reach Targeted Prospects

IBM Maximo is blooming software which basically unifies the comprehensive asset life cycle and maintenance management on a single platform. Tech Users Lists offer you both the customized and prepackaged lists just to make it easy for you to get specialized lists based on your requirements.

With the growing population and the technological industry, it has become tough to maintain the database of the technology users. But, Tech Users Lists is one its kind that keeps updating its database regularly once in every 30 days. The data is acquired from legitimate sources like the magazine subscriptions, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, online subscriptions, business directories, products users lists, online surveys, in-house database, etc.

The IBM Maximo Mailing Lists can be used for all kinds of marketing be it email or tele or direct marketing. Our IBM Maximo Lists have all the fields including Name, Age, Gender, Job Title, Company Name, Company Website Address, Zip, Mailing Address, Email Address, SIC Code, Annual turnover, etc. and with addition we also provide social media profiles if required.

All you need to do is sign up this simple form or write to us at techuserslist@gmail.com and our consultants will get in touch with you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Conquer Marketing with Prepackaged Technology Mailing Lists

Are you by any chance targeting the Technological Industries?

If that’s a yes, go ahead know what you need to conquer it.

The prime asset that helps your marketing boom – Mailing lists. That’s right you need mailing lists that can make your campaigns happening. Be it a product that you are selling or an service that you are offering or a solution that you are providing, you need to promote them, make them popular in the section of area where people might need it. And how do you do that?
Ø  Direct marketing
Ø  Email marketing
Ø  Tele-marketing
Ø  Fax mailing

These are the four obvious ways that helps you market your product or a service. There is one more emerging way that can help you get in touch with your prospects or clients or customers directly – Social Media.

Why are we talking about social media when we are talking about mailing lists?


We give you mailing lists along with the Social Media Profiles. All you have to do is set up your campaigns and shoot it at your prospects. You’ll be amazed to see how your leads rates take off.
Sounds great? Sign up or mail us at techuserslist@gmail.com and get the Prepackaged Technology Lists specially designed for you… 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

IT Decision Makers List –Top Notch Lists

IT Decision Makers are the top level people of an IT firm. By having access to these people, you can increase your success rate of your campaigns to a great level. Any prime decision that is made in an organization has to be granted by these people. So, be it any types of campaign namely email, tele, direct or fax, these people have to be your prime concern.

Decision Makers of the IT firms have the ultimate powers to buy products, services or solutions to any of the issues in the firms. Our List of Decision Makers is procured from 100% legitimate sources like, opt-in and double opt-in emails, subscriptions, trade shows, conferences, online surveys, feedback forms, etc.

What is in the list?
First Name, Last Name, Age, Gender, Official Email ID, Organization Name, Mailing Address, Official Contact Number, ZIP, Annual Turnover, SIC Codes, Number of Employees, etc. Our lists tailor made as per your requirements. All you need to do is tell us your requirement and our data analysts will customize lists accordingly.

Get access instantly… Sign up form or email us at techuserslist@gmail.com.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

IBM Users Lists Add Value to Your Campaigns

Our Database of IBM Users has more than 1 million records along with the social media profiles. We also have the List of IBMers i.e. the List of Employees of IBM. IBM Users List we provide is fresh and accurate as we update it once in 30 days. Our lists are compatible for any sort of marketing be it Direct or Email or Tele.

Details available in our IBM Contacts List:

Name, Organization, Age, Gender, Job Title, Annual Turnover of the Organization, Website Address, Email Id, Contact Number, Number of Employees in the Organization, etc.

IBM Users Database includes the following lists:

What is IBM?

IBM is an organization which has helped the sector of IT to lead through the hassles for more than 100 years. With revenue of $99.9 billion, 426,751 employees and 525,870 stake holders IBM stands as one of the companies which hands in almost from the Selectric to Sabre to superconductors.

Send us your details by filling up the form or write to us @ techuserslist@gmail.com and enjoy our flawless IBM Users Email Lists.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HP Users Lists – Quality Matters

Tech Users Lists has a vast database of the highest quality HP Technology Users Lists. Our in-house team has a great knowledge in techie specific lists. Our specialists are well-equipped with all technologies. Our HP Users List will help you to get in touch with thousands of Decision Makers who can give you access to climb the sales ladder.

If you are aiming at several industries, like Electronics, Research, Construction, Manufacturing, Wholesale, Finance, etc. Through HP Mailing Lists from us, you can reach out decision makers, professions and all in one simple list.

Details included in the list:
Name, Email Id, Organization, Mailing Address, Geography details, Contact Number, etc.

About HP:

Hewlett Packard provides products, services and solutions of the highest quality and delivers more value to their customer that earns their respect and loyalty.

What differentiates us from others?

All our lists are updated once in every 30 days. We understand the importance of delivering flawless lists to our customers. Just sign up or mail us at techuserslist@gmail.com for a free sample.


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