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Monday, November 14, 2011

Is Email An Effective Marketing Tool?

Email is one of ‘The’ most effective marketing tools you can use in your business.

A richly written email campaign can bring in new customers and retain the existing ones by keeping your business name and your products foremost on their minds. Email marketing if done effectively can pay off handsomely.  

Research has continued to replicate the importance of email marketing. Low cost, high conversion rates and detailed tracking are some of the noteworthy paybacks. Email marketing is much more than just a tool for B2B and B2C marketing. Consumers have become tech savvy and they know the difference between spam and permission-based emails. 

The following steps help to make emails effective…

Write The Email After Carefully Thinking It Over
Carefully review what can make people open your email immediately. What topic would make the customer open your email the moment it reaches the inbox? If you send your prospects a lot of information you want to push, you will ensure your emails do not get opened.

Sign Up For An E-Mail Campaign Service
Decide on what types of message you will send and find a way to send them. An email service is what you should consider outsourcing the job of sending emails to, so that the task of managing lists does not burden you. Always keep an eye for the pricing offered by these services. Examples of services include comprehensive statistics and monitoring, and managing lists are important features.

Time Your E-Mail Promotions Correctly
Email marketing is inexpensive and when combined with the right promotions can be effective. Provide excellent discounts for your products and services, and make them coincide with holidays. Use deadlines--"Offer ends December 21st!"--to give customers on the edge that extra push.

Depending on the business, an average of one message per month is sufficient in most cases, or one per week for really avid fans of your business.

In case you would like to contact us, please do so at: techuserslist@gmail.com
Fill up your details to clarify all your Email marketing related questions

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